71210 Bioelectromagnetism - Exercises Autumn 2004
The Basis of ECG Diagnosis: correct answers
- Diagnosing clinical ECG is basically ______________ in nature.
- a forward problem
- an inverse problem
- Which of the following factor is not detectable from the standard 12-lead ECG
- cardiac output
- electric axis of the heart
- heart rate
- ischemia
- BBBs
- When the contraction of atria and ventricles is no longer synchronized, the most probable reason is
- Sinus arrhythmia
- A-V block, I degree
- A-V block, II or III degree
- Infarcted tissue is silent electrically, it does not activate anymore. However, modeling of infracted tissue may be done with an electric dipole. How is this possible? The idea is based on
- lead vectors
- solid angle theory
- moving dipole model
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