71210 Bioelectromagnetism - Exercises Autumn 2004
Impedance Tomography: correct answers
- Impedance tomography aims to
- feed as much current to the thorax as possible
- reconstruct impedance distribution of an imaging plane
- find out the internal source distribution of the imaging plane
- Back-projection method has been used in IT. The problem in that is that
- current does not flow in 2-D, nor in a straight line in the thorax
- there are no internal sources in the thorax
- reconstruction algorithms are computationally demanding
- Considering human body linear in single frequency impedance measurement, it is possible to swap voltage/current injection sites without changes in the information content of the signal
- True
- False
- Because of the case in the previous question the number of independent impedance measurements is ________________
- decreased to one half
- increased to double
- increased to double
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