71210 Bioelectromagnetism - Exercises Autumn 2004

Subthreshold and membrane phenomena: correct answers

  1. Nernst equation (defined for one ion type) expresses
    1. Thermal energy of the cell
    2. Concentration gradient across the membrane
    3. Equilibrium potential across the membrane
  2. If an axon is placed in a solution whose ion concentrations are the same as inside the axon, what will be the transmembrane potential ?
    1. -70 mV
    2. 0 mV
    3. +62 mV
  3. When considering the ion flux through the membrane at the resting state,
    1. only positive ions may flow through the membrane.
    2. the sum of all currents through the membrane is zero.
    3. no current flow through the membrane exists.
  4. Characteristic length (length constant) of the axon describes
    1. Passive properties of the cell under subtreshold conditions
    2. Active behavior of the cell
    3. Dimensions of the cell

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