71210 Bioelectromagnetism - Exercises Autumn 2004

Volume Source and Volume Conductor: correct answers

  1. Limiting assumptions related to certain model are called
    1. equivalent sources
    2. inhomogenenities
    3. preconditions
  2. In quasistatic conditions, the
    1. internal frequency component is under 1000 Hz
    2. ohm's law does not apply
    3. capacitive component is considered negligible
  3. The number of independent variables associated with the moving dipole source is
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
    5. 6
    6. 9
  4. The number of independent variables associated with fixed location, fixed orientation 10 multiple dipole sources is
    1. 10
    2. 30
    3. 60
  5. Spherical volume conductor made of one tissue type is
    1. infinite, homogeneous
    2. finite, homogeneous
    3. finite, inhomogeneous
  6. Resistivity of blood is NOT related to the
    1. hematocrit
    2. volume of blood
    3. blood flow
  7. Which one of the following cases is an inverse problem
    1. solving the field associated with the known source and the volume conductor
    2. solving the Laplace equation in a realistic model
    3. solving the source that causes the measured data within the known volume conductor

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